Structure and traits of secreted proteins of male accsssory glands of Gampsocleis gratiosa
冯晓丽 常岩林 王 莉 石福明
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作者单位:河北大学生命科学学院 保定 071002
中文关键词:雄性附腺, 显微结构, 分泌蛋白, 优雅蝈螽
英文关键词:male accessory gland, microstructure, secreted proteins, Gampsocleis gratiosa
通过组织切片和SDS-PAGE方法,研究优雅蝈螽Gampsocleis gratiosa Brunner von Wattenwyl雄性附腺的结构及分泌蛋白的特性。结果表明,优雅蝈螽雄性附腺由3类腺管组成:乳白长腺管、透明腺管和乳白短腺管,腺管的管壁组织结构相似,从内到外依次为单层上皮细胞、基膜、肌肉层,不同腺管管腔分泌物H-E染色后呈现不同颜色。SDS-PAGE分析各种腺管的分泌蛋白具有特异性。
英文摘要: Male accessory gland structure and traits of its secreted proteins in
Gampsocl eis gratiosa Bruuner von Wattenwyl, were studied with light microscopy and SDS-PAGE. The male accessory gland complex was comprised of long opalescent gland, hyaline gland, and short opalescent gland. The all tubule wall consisted of glandular epithelium, basement membrane, and a layer of muscle. The lumen of each glandwas full of different secretions. The secreted proteins bands were different on SDS-PAGE, indicating that these three glands are specific.