中文摘要: .
苹楔天牛Saperda candida Fabricius(鞘翅目Coleoptera:天牛科Cerambycidae
英文摘要: The round-headed apple borer,
Saperda candida Fabricius (Coleoptera:C
erambycidae), is a native insect of North America, where it mainly attacked frui
t trees, and has been recognized as a destructive orchard pest over 300 years. I
n the summer of 2008, it has been found at the first time in Germany and in Euro
pe, and has been paid attention in many countries. Its host plants, such as appl
e, pear, plum, hawkthorn and other fruit trees, are economic important and have
been planted broadly in China. The borer is easily taken and transported over lo
ng distance with its host plants in the commerce, so quarantine of the pest must
be enhanced in China. The characters, damage, biology and risk of the roundhe
aded apple borer were introduced.