Characteristics and reasons of the outbreak of the brown planthopper Nilaparva ta lugens in Anqing in 2006
余祖文1*,肖满开2,王 俊3,吴彩玲4,何木兰5,余夕辉5,方向群6,陈春秋6,李明波7,徐进
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作者单位:1安庆职业技术学院 安庆 246003; 2安庆市植检植保站 安庆 246003;3 安庆市宜秀区植保站 安庆 246003; 4潜山县植保站 安徽 潜山 246300 ;5 宿松县植保站 安徽 宿松 246500; 6桐城市植保站 安徽 桐城 231400; 7 太湖县植保站 安徽 太湖 246400; 8望江县植保站 安徽 望江 246200
中文摘要: 2006年褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens Stal 大发生的特点主要有 :迁入虫量大、回迁峰次明显;短翅型成虫发生 早、虫口高;田间种群增长迅速,全市普遍重发,局部暴发;田块间虫口差异大。分析 认为导致大发生的主要原因是:丰富的初迁虫源奠定了大发生的基础;褐飞虱生物型变化 ,食料条件丰富;单季稻面积扩大,从食料和生境2个方面为褐飞虱发生提供利好条件; 褐飞虱对主治药剂吡虫啉产生抗性,促进褐飞虱暴发。还就加强异地监测、抗药性监 测、田间调查等,提出建议。
英文摘要: The main characteristics of the outbreak of brown planthoppers,Nilaparvata lu gens Stal in Anqing in 2006 included large amount of immigrant pests with obvious immigration peaks, earlie r occurrence of shortwinged adults with large amount, rapid increasing of fiel d population, great occurrence all over the city, breaking out in parts of city, and significant difference of population size among field patches. Based on the above, the main reasons of the outbreak of brown planthoppers were analyzed, wh ich included abundant immigrant pest source as the foundation of the outbreak, t he variation of biotypes of brown planthoppers, rich food conditions, the increa sing planting area of singleharvest rice which provided good food and habitat conditions for brown planthoppers, and resistance of brown planthoppers to imida cloprid. It was also suggested to strengthen monitoring in different sites, moni toring insectiside resistance and field investigation.