Classification on larvae instars of Buzura suppressaria.
孙艳娟1,韦金英2,杨振德1**,李 明1,韦泳丽1,韦海花1
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作者单位:1广西大学林学院 南宁 530004; 2南宁市第二卫生学校 广西 宾阳 530409
英文关键词:Buzura suppressaria,instars, head capsules, Cros by index
中文摘要: 通过对油桐尺蠖Buzura suppressaria Guenee幼虫实际蜕皮次数的观察和头壳宽度的 测量, 确定幼虫龄期为7龄。1 ~7龄幼虫头壳宽(mm)分别为:0.2905±0.0101,0.4627±0.0213,0.6884±0.03,1 .124±0.0407,1.7826±0.0457,2.6772±0.078,3.8401±0.0567。经统计分析得到其龄期y与幼虫头壳宽度x的关系式为y=0.1917e0.436x。
英文摘要: The ecdysis times of Buzura suppressaria Guenee larvae were observed, while th e width of head capsules was easured. It was identified that there were 7 inst ars in B. suppressaria. The average width (mm) of head capsules from instar s 1 to 7 was 0.2905±0.0101, 0.4627±0.0213, 0.6884±0.03, 1.1240±0.0407, 1 .7826±0. 0457, 2.6772±0.078 and 3.8401±0.0567, respectively. So the linear regressi on equation of the instar (y) against the width of head capsule of larvae (x ) was y=0.1917e 0.436x。