Antennal sensilla of female fig pollinator Ceratosolen sp. and its ecological implication.
李宗波1, 2 **,杨 培1, 2,彭艳琼1,杨大荣1***
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作者单位:1中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 昆明,650223; 2中国科学院研究生院, 北京,100039
中文关键词:苹果榕传粉小蜂, 触角, 感器, 选择性染色
英文关键词:Ceratosolen sp., antennae, sensilla, silver nitrate staining
利用扫描电子显微镜对苹果榕传粉小蜂Ceratosolen sp. 雌性触角感器进行观察。
英文摘要:The antennal sensilla of female parasitoid, Ceratosolen sp. (Hymenopte
ra: Agaonidae), were observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The anten
na was geniculate in shape, and consisted of three basal segments. Thirteen type
s of sensilla were distinguished, including sensilla trichodea (1 type), multipo
rous placoid sensilla (1 type), basiconic sensilla (2 types), basiconic capitate
peg sensilla, chaetica sensilla (4 types), coeloconic sensilla (3 types) and on
e specialized sensillum regarded as sensillum obscurum. The morphology, abundanc
e, distribution of the sensilla was recorded. Their putative functions were anal
yzed based on selected staining results and wasp behavior observed in the field.
Furthermore, the ecological significance of the sensilla was also discussed in
relation to the specific relationship between the fig/wasp mutualism.