A new pest of Cifuna locuples damaging loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria.
欧克芳,董立坤,夏文胜,刘 超
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作者单位:武汉市园林科学研究所 武汉 430081
中文关键词:肾毒蛾, 千屈菜, 生物学特性
英文关键词:Cifuna locuples, loosestrife, bionomics
肾毒蛾Cifuna locuples Walker是2007年在武汉发现危害千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria L.)的一种新害虫,幼虫能取食千屈菜叶片和花朵。室外观察和室内饲养结果表明,肾毒蛾在武汉市1年发生3代,以低龄幼虫越冬,次年3~4月开始为害。5月初越冬代成虫出现,6月下旬第1代成虫羽化,8月中旬第2代成虫羽化。成虫羽化1 d后即可分多次产卵于叶背,卵粒数十几到两百多粒。幼虫有5龄,初孵幼虫群集为害,2龄以后分散取食,4~5龄取食量大。幼虫在叶背吐丝结稀疏的薄茧化蛹。
英文摘要: Cifuna locuples Walker as a new pest was found to damege loosestrife(
rum salicaria L.) in Wuhan in 2007. The morphology, living habits, life cycle
of C.locuples were studied based on field observation and indoor rearing. Th
e results showed that C. locuples has 3 generations per year and overwinters
as young larvae in Wuhan. The overwinterred larvae start to feed the loosestrif
e during March to April. The adults of 3 generations emerge in the early May, la
te June and midAugust respectively. The adults lay 10-200 eggs in batches on
the back of leaves. The larva has five instars, and first instar larvae feed in ag
gregation. The matured larvae pupate on the back of leaves.