王 凤1,鞠瑞亭1**,李跃忠1,徐 颖1,池杏珍1 张 辉2
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作者单位:1上海市园林科学研究所 上海 200232; 2上海申通地铁维护保障中心后勤分公司 上海 200233
中文关键词:红棕象甲, 甘蔗, 饲养技术
英文关键词:Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, sugarcane, rearing technique
中文摘要: 介绍一种以甘蔗为饲料饲养红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab.的方法。将新鲜甘蔗切成段,置于培养皿中,放入恒温培养箱内,设置温度:(26±1)℃,RH:80%±10%,光周期:L∶D=0∶24。利用该方法饲养的红棕象甲世代历期.80 d,老熟幼虫平均体重5.51 g,成虫单雌产卵量144.42粒,世代存活率21.67%。甘蔗饲养红棕象甲成本低,生物学特性恒定,可作为替代寄主扩繁虫源。
英文摘要: A technique for rearing Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab. on sugarcane was introduced in this paper. A slice of fresh sugarcane was placed in a culture dish in incubator, and the rearing conditions were as temperature (26±1)℃, RH 80%±10%, and photoperiod L∶D = 0∶24 Using this method, the generation span, the average weight of mature larvae, the egg numbers, and the generation survival rate of R. ferrugineus was 130.80 d, 5.51 g, 14442, and 21.67%, respectively. The method did not change the bionomics characteristic of the insect with low cost, and can be used to rear red palm weevil.