Status of parasitic wasps for biological control of Lygus and other mirid bugs in North America
付雪姣1** Kim Hoelmer2 石旺鹏1,2***
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作者单位:1.中国农业大学农业部生物防治重点实验室 北京 100193; 2.美国农业部有益昆虫研究所 纽瓦克 19713
英文关键词: plant bug,parasitoid,Peristenus Foerster,USA
中文摘要: 盲蝽是一类世界性害虫,寄主广泛,主要为害棉花、苜蓿、果树和蔬菜等作物。在美国,对农业生产危害较严重的是美国牧草盲蝽Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois),农民每年用于控制盲蝽的费用和盲蝽造成的损失达数亿美元,目前美国对牧草盲蝽的控制逐渐从化学防治转向生物防治。美国从欧洲引入用来防治欧洲长毛草盲蝽Lygus rugulipennis Poppius的寄生性天敌常室茧蜂属Peristenus Foerster,在东北部苜蓿地释放后,成功地控制了该地区牧草盲蝽数量,取得了巨大的经济和生态效益。美国同时对该类寄生性天敌的生理生态及生产应用技术等进行了大量的研究,这对我国开展盲蝽生物防治具有良好的借鉴作用。
英文摘要:Mirid bugs are worldwide pests with a wide host range,including cotton and alfalfa.The damage caused by the mirid genus,Lygus Hahn, is particularly great; the cost of controlling this pest and the losses caused by it amounting to hundreds of millions dollars per year in the United States alone.In the U.S.,biological control has increasingly replaced chemical pesticides for the control of this pest.For example,Peristenus Foerster(Hymenoptera: Braconidae),introduced from Europe,has successfully prevented outbreaks of Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) in northeastern USA.Extensive studies on the ecology and physiology of these groups of parasitoids and their application in biological control have been carried out.This experience should be used in China to improve control of the cotton mirid bug.