A study of sarcosaphagous insects from Arthropod in Yongzhou district of Hunan Province
蒋 莹1** 蔡继峰1*** 杨 玲1 易文平2 兰玲梅1 李剑波
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作者单位:1.中南大学基础医学院法医学系 长沙 410013;2.长沙市公安局,湖南 长沙 410008
英文关键词:Yongzhou,sarcosaphagous insects and Oncomelania,successions,postmortem interval
中文摘要: 为了研究湖南省永州地区夏秋季常见嗜尸性昆虫及螺类的种类及其群落演替,运用观察法研究2007—2009年永州地区夏秋季家兔尸上常见嗜尸性昆虫种类变化及其演替。结果表明,该地区家兔尸体上发现部分昆虫纲和腹足纲的嗜尸性昆虫,昆虫纲主要涉及双翅目和鞘翅目的部分昆虫,其中双翅目6科14种,主要有蝇科的孕幼家蝇、斑蹠黑蝇、厚环黑蝇;丽蝇科的丝光绿蝇、叉叶绿蝇、亮绿蝇、大头金蝇和绯颜裸金蝇、白头裸金蝇;麻蝇科的棕尾别麻蝇、酱亚麻蝇;鼓翅蝇科1种;潜蝇科的Phytomyza thalictrella;果蝇科的Drosophila cuaso;鞘翅目5科8种,主要有大黑葬甲、Silpha carinata、Nicrophorus fossor、双色葬甲;蜣螂科的金龟子;步甲科的毛婪步甲和蠋步甲;拟步甲科;隐翅甲科的大黑隐翅虫、小隐翅虫;膜翅目2科3种,蚁科的路舍蚁;胡蜂科的墨胸胡蜂、黑盾胡蜂;鳞翅目的丝兰蛾;腹足纲的钉螺。上述嗜尸性昆虫及螺类在兔尸上出现的时间和部位表现出较强的规律性。研究结果可望为法医在湖南省永州地区对尸体的死亡时间和地点推测提供依据。
英文摘要: In order to study the major species and succession of sarcosaphagous insets and Oncomelania on rabbit’s carcasses in Yongzhou district,nine rabbits were killed and placed outdoors at the same place from June to September of 2007-2009.Some species of sarcosaphagous insects and Oncomelania that appeared on the cadavers were observed and identified.14 main species belonging to 6 families were identified.The families were Museidae(Musca larvipara,Ophyra chalcogaster,Ophyra spinigera),Calliphodae (Lucilia sericata,Lucilia caesar,Lucilia illustris,Chrysomya megacephala,Chrysomya rufifacies,Chrysomya albiceps),Sacrophagidae (Boerttcherisca peregrina, Sarcophaga dux); one species from the Sepsidae,Agromyzidae (Phytomyza thalictrella),Drosophilidae (Drosophila cuaso).8 main species belonging to 5 families were from the Coleoptera.These families were the Silphidae (Nicrophorus concolor,Silpha carinata,Nicrophorus fossor,Eusilpha bicolor), Scarabaaeussaeer(Scarabaeus rugosus); Carabidae (Harpalus rufipes,Dolichus halensis), Tenebrionidae (Goncephalum pusillum) and Staphilinidae (Cafius seminitens,Aleochara pacifica).3 main species belonging to 2 families were from Hymenoptera.These were the Formicidae (Tetramorium rothneyi) and Vespidae (Vespa velutina,Vespa bicolor).One Lepidopteran species,Tegeticula altiplanella and one Oncomelanian Gastropod were found.Different species of sarcosaphagous insects appeared on different parts of the carcasses at different times.These results may be useful for estimating the time since death in Yongzhou district.