Occurrence and distribution of Ambrosia antemisiifolia andits two natural enemies in Guangdong
齐国君1 黄德超2 高 燕1 王 琳2 邵晓迎1 孙嘉祥2 吕利华1
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作者单位: 豚草,天敌昆虫,分布,豚草卷蛾,广聚萤叶甲
中文关键词:1.广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所 广州 510640;2.广东省植物保护总站 广州 510500
英文关键词: Ambrosia artemisiifolia,natural enemy insect,distribution,Epiblema strenuana,ella communa
中文摘要: 豚草(Ambrosia antemisiifolia L.)入侵广东以来蔓延迅速,为了有效抑制豚草进一步扩散蔓延,调查了豚草及其天敌在广东省的发生分布情况。结果表明,目前广东省豚草主要分布在3个区域,粤北韶关及清远地区,粤西肇庆市封开县,粤东北梅州地区。广东省豚草的天敌昆虫主要有豚草卷蛾Epiblema strenuana W.和广聚萤叶甲Ophraella communa L.,其中豚草卷蛾的分布范围较广聚萤叶甲广泛,但其控害作用有限,显著低于广聚萤叶甲。最后讨论了豚草扩散与公路交通的关系,并比较了豚草两种天敌的防控潜力。
英文摘要: Province first Chinese record of the common ragweed,Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.was in 2002 in Guangdong Province and since then this invasive weed has spread quickly throughout the Province.In order to slow its spread,the occurrence and distribution of ragweed and its insect predators were surveyed.The results show that ragweed is mainly distributed in the Shaoguan and Qingyuan areas of northern Guangdong,Fengkai in western Guangdong and the Meizhou area of northeastern Guangdong.Two insect predators of ragweed were identified; Epiblema strenuana W.and Ophraella communa L.Although E.strenuana has a wider distribution,O.communa is more effective in controlling ragweed.The role of highways in assisting ragweed dispersion and the potential for insect predators to reduce its spread are discussed.