Repellence and feeding deterrence of Verticillium lecaniitoxic-Ⅷ against Bemisia tabaci
洪慧金 杨艺华 王联德**
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作者单位:福建农林大学 生物农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室 福州 350002
英文关键词:Verticillium lecanii toxic-Ⅷ, dipicollinoc acid,Bemisa tabaci, repellence, feeding deterrence
中文摘要: 蜡蚧轮枝菌毒素Ⅷ和化学合成的吡啶-2,6-二羧酸(DPA)对烟粉虱成虫的忌避作用均表现出忌避与拒食活性。利用罩叶选择法测定了蜡蚧轮枝菌毒素Ⅷ和DPA对烟粉虱成虫的忌避与拒食活性。试验表明蜡蚧轮枝菌毒素Ⅷ和DPA对烟粉虱具忌避与拒食作用活性,100 mg·L-1毒素Ⅷ的忌避率与拒食率分别为41%和23%。
英文摘要: Both the dipicollinoc acid, toxin Ⅷ, produced by the fungus Verticillium lecanii(Zimmermann) Viégas,and an artificially synthesized version of this compound, were effective in repelling Bemisa tabaci(Gennadius) adults. The effectiveness of these compounds was tested using a choice experiment. The results show that both natural and synthetic toxic-Ⅷ had similar deterrence values against B. tabaci of 41 % and 23% respectively.