Study on the quantity consuming of food in larvae stageof queen and worker
刘光楠** 张 飞 颜伟玉 吴小波 曾志将***
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作者单位:江西农业大学蜜蜂研究所 南昌 330045
中文关键词: 蜂王幼虫,工蜂幼虫,食物消耗量
英文关键词: queen larvae,worker larvae,quantity consuming of food
中文摘要: 以意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica雌性幼虫为试验材料,用鲜王浆、葡萄糖、果糖和酵母抽提物分别配制不同日龄的蜂王幼虫食物和工蜂幼虫食物,采用室内人工饲养蜜蜂幼虫技术饲养12 h以内的蜂王幼虫和工蜂幼虫,直到幼虫出现排便和吐丝行为,记录幼虫生长发育期间消耗的总食物量。结果表明:1只蜂王幼虫在生长发育期平均消耗196.8 mg蜂王幼虫食物,而1只工蜂幼虫在生长发育期平均消耗139.4 mg工蜂幼虫食物。
英文摘要: We fed Apis mellifera ligustica queen and worker larvae of different ages with a mixture of royal jelly、glucose、fructose and yeast extract.The relative amounts of food required by queen and worker larvae were determined by monitoring the food consumption of larvae until they began to defecate and spin their cocoons.The results show that the quantity of food consumed by queen and worker larvae was 196.8 mg and 139.4 mg respectively.