Advances in research on cotton mirid bugs in China
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作者单位:中国农业科学院植物保护研究所 植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室北京100193
中文关键词:盲蝽, 生物学特性, 测报, 防治
英文关键词:mirid bug, biological characteristics, forecast, control
中文摘要: 近10年来,盲蝽在我国由次要害虫上升为了主要害虫,在棉花、枣、葡萄等多种作物生产上造成了严重危害。自2008年以来,在公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目的支持下,对盲蝽人工饲养技术、个体发育与繁殖、食性、寄主选择行为、取食行为、性信息素通讯行为、交配与产卵行为、飞行与扩散能力、滞育与越冬习性、年生活史等生物学特性进行了系统研究,为研发盲蝽预测预报和综合防治技术提供了必要的科学依据。
英文摘要:In the past 10 years the mirid bugs, formerly a group of secondary insect pests, have become important pests of cotton, Chinese dates, grapes and other fruit crops. Since 2008, with support from a grant from the “Special Fund for Agroscientific Research in the Public Interest”, extensive studies have been conducted on mirid bugs, including artificial rearing techniques, nymphal development and adult fecundity, feeding habits, hostselection behavior, feeding behavior, sex pheromone communication, oviposition, flight and dispersal capacity, diapauses, overwintering habits and annual life history. This work has created a basic information infrastructure for developing forecast techniques and control measures for these pests in China.