Effects of different temperatures on the development and reproduction of Apolygus lucorum
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中文关键词:绿盲蝽, 温度, 生长发育, 生命表参数
英文关键词:Apolygus lucorum, temperature, development, life table parameters
中文摘要: 模拟组建了绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum (MeyerDür)在5种温度(18,21,24,27,30℃)下的实验种群生命表。结果表明:在18~30℃,绿盲蝽发育速率随着温度的升高而加快,并符合Logistic模型;绿盲蝽卵、若虫、产卵前期及世代的发育起点温度分别为953、1232、1040和1107℃,有效积温分别为14261、16260、12313和42517日·度;若虫期最高存活率(24℃)比最低存活率(30℃)高2727%;最高产卵量(24℃)比最低产卵量(30℃)高3361粒/雌;24℃内禀增长率最高,为00949。通过生命表参数综合评价表明:24~27℃是绿盲蝽生长繁殖的最适温区。
英文摘要: Life tables for a laboratory population of Apolygus lucorum (MeyerDür) were constructed at five different temperatures(18,21,24,27 and 30℃). The results show that developmental rate increased with increasing temperature and that the relationship between temperature and development rate could be simulated by a Logistic model. Developmental temperature thresholds and effective accumulated temperatures for eggs, nymphs, preoviposition and an entire generation were 953, 1232, 1040 and 1107℃ and 14261, 16260, 12313 and 42517 degree days, respectively. The highest nymph survival rate, at 24℃, was 2727% higher than the lowest at 30℃ and the maximum average female fecundity at 24℃exceeded the minimum at 30℃ by 3361 eggs. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was highest at 24℃. We conclude that 24-27℃ is a suitable temperature range for A. lucorum.