Effects of nuclear polyhedrosis virus on cannibalism in Helicoverpa armigera
李静雯 褚艳娜 王 琼 刘小侠 张青文
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作者单位:中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院北京 100193
英文关键词:HaSNPV,cannibalism,cotton bollworm
中文摘要: 在室内研究核型多角体病毒(HaSNPV)感染对棉铃虫 Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)幼虫同类相残行为的影响。结果显示:感病棉铃虫随感病程度的加重,越容易被健康棉铃虫残食,而自然死亡的感病棉铃虫、冻死的感病棉铃虫和冻死的健康棉铃虫三者被健康棉铃虫残食的百分率无显著差异。表明感病棉铃虫和病虫尸体更易于被健康棉铃虫残食,是由于棉铃虫体力减弱而失去反击能力,不是由于病毒本身的影响。以健康棉铃虫、感病棉铃虫为残食者,冻死的病虫为被残食者,相残率无显著差异,表明病毒并未改变棉铃虫残食同类的天性。残食病虫的健康棉铃虫的化蛹率和羽化率均低于正常的健康棉铃虫,残食者为相残行为付出了很高的代价。
英文摘要: The effects of nuclear polyhedrosis virus infection on cannibalism in Helicoverpa armigera ( Hübner ) was evaluated under laborratoryconditions. The number of infected larvae preyed on by healthy larvae increased with theprogress of the disease. There was no significant difference in the percentage of dead infected larvae,frozen infected larvaeand frozen healthy larvae that were preyed on by healthy larvae. This suggests that infected larvae and dead infected larvae are more likely to be cannibalized simply because they become less vigorous and less capable of defending themselves thanhealthy larvae. There was no significant difference in the frequency of cannibalism of frozen infected larvae by healthylarvae and infected larvae.This suggests that the tendency towards cannibalism is not altered by infection. Cannibalism ispotentially costly. The pupation and eclosion rate of healthy larvae that ate infected larvae was lower than that of those thathad not cannibalized infected larvae.