Glyphosate tolerance and effects of cotton bollworms on transgenic herbicide and insect resistant cotton
牛建群 朱家林 张青文 刘小侠
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作者单位:中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院北京 100193
英文关键词:insect and glyphosate resistance cotton,cotton bollworm,glyphosate,bioassay,toleranc
中文摘要: 本论文研究了抗虫又抗除草剂棉花对草甘膦的耐受程度,比较了这一双抗性状的棉花与单抗虫棉的抗虫效果。结果表明,抗虫又抗除草剂棉花对草甘膦有较好的耐受性,四叶期喷施草甘膦后抗虫抗除草剂棉花可以安全生长,蕾期喷施草甘膦对棉花的开花率和结铃率有影响。抗虫又抗除草剂棉花和单抗虫棉对棉铃虫 Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)均具有较好的防治效果,苗期棉花叶片对棉铃虫防治效果最好,后期防治效果下降到 49. 2%和 46. 6%,吐絮期防治效果又上升到 57. 0%和 53. 1%。
英文摘要: The tolerance of genetically modified cotton to glyphosate herbicides and its resistance to the cotton bollwormwas investigated.The cotton had good tolerance to glyphosates. Growth was normal after spraying with glyphosate during the “four leaf”stage but spraying during the budding period may reduce the flowering and boll formation. This cotton variety and a control (a transgenic insect-resistant cotton )displayed good resistance to the cotton bollworm. The topleaves of the seeding stage were the most resistant but resistance declined to 49. 2%and 46. 6% with the growth of thecotton.During the boll opening stage resistance improved to 57. 0%and 53. 1%respectively.