Grading criteria for assessing the ovarian development of Athetis lepigone and its use in forecasting
李立涛 王玉强 刘 磊 甘耀进 董志平 等
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作者单位:1. 河北省农林科学院谷子研究所河北省杂粮重点实验室石家庄050035;2. 邢台市植保植检站邢台054000
英文关键词: Athetis lepigone,ovarian development,grading criteria,forecast
中文摘要: 对室内饲养的二点委夜蛾Athelis lepigone(Moschler)雌成虫分时段进行解剖,观察其卵巢的结构及发育
进程。结果显示二点委夜蛾具有1 对卵巢,各由4 个卵巢小管组成。发育进程可分为5 个阶段:透明期、卵黄沉积
期、成熟待产期、产卵盛期和产卵末期。河北省石家庄地区2011 年7 月下旬至8 月上旬田间卵巢发育的监测结果
英文摘要: The structure and developmental process of the ovaries of Athetis lepigone ( Moschler ) were observed bydissecting females at different stages of development maintained in a laboratory. The results indicate that the femalereproductive system consists of paired ovaries and that each of the two ovaries consists of four polytrophic ovarioles.Ovarian development of the female reproductive system was classified into five stages,including a transparent,vitellogenesis,mature,egg-laying and late egg-laying stage. The ovarian development of A. lepigone was monitored inShijiazhuang,Hebei Provience from early July to late August of 2011. This revealed that the 1st developmental grade was more abundant than the 4rd grade throughout the entire period of occurance. These results are consistent with those
obtained from field investigations. It is therefore possible to predict the peak oviparous period of the next generation by monitoring the female reproductive system of the current generation.