Effect of host egg age and contact time on the parasitic capacity ofTelenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)
杨莹 韩勇 方祝红 许再福
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英文关键词: Telenomus remus,Spodoptera exigua,egg age,contact time,parasitism capacity
中文摘要: 在温度(26 ± 1)℃、RH70% ± 5% 、光暗比L∶ D = 12∶ 12 的条件下,研究了在接触时间为6、12、24、36 h 情况下,夜蛾黑卵蜂Telenomus remus Nixon 对卵龄为0、6、12、24、36 h 的甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)第1 天和第2 天所产卵的寄生率、子代羽化率和性比。结果表明,夜蛾黑卵蜂寄生第1 天卵龄为6 h 的寄主卵24 h 后,寄生率、子代羽化率和性比显著高于其他条件,分别为56. 97% 、89. 11% 和87. 63% ;寄生第2 天相同条件的卵,寄生率、子代羽化率和性比也显著高于其他条件,分别为54. 47% 、95. 37% 和88. 72% ;寄生第1 天和第2 天的卵,其寄生率和子代性比差异不显著,但寄生第2 天卵的子代羽化率显著高于寄生第1 天卵的子代羽化率。因此,在室内以甜菜夜蛾为寄主繁育夜蛾黑卵蜂,最好以甜菜夜蛾第2 天卵龄为6 h 的卵为寄主,接触时间以24 h 最适。该结果对夜蛾黑卵蜂应用于田间防治甜菜夜蛾具有指导意义。
英文摘要: The effects of Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) egg age and duration of host-parasite contact on parasitism rate,progeny emergence rate and sex ratio of Telenomus remus Nixon were evaluated under laboratory conditions of (26 ± 1)℃,RH(70 ± 5)% and photoperiod 12 h∶ 12 h. Parasitism rate,progeny emergence rate and sex ratio of T. remus on 6 h-oldfirst-day eggs of S. exigua after 24 h contact were 56. 97% 89. 11% and 87. 63% ,respectively,compared to 54. 47% ,95. 37% and 88. 72% respectively on 6 h-old second-day eggs. There was no significant difference in parasitism rate andprogeny sex ratio between first-day and second-day eggs,but progeny emergence rate was significant higher on second-day
eggs. These results suggest that 6 h-old second-day eggs of S. exigua are the most suitable hosts for mass production of T.remus,and that 24 h of contact is enough to ensure a high rate of parasitism.