The relationship between selection and survival of newly-hatchedChilo suppressalis larvae feeding on different varieties of rice
王利华 张月亮 韩光杰 方继朝
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英文关键词:Chilo suppressalis,newl larvae,rice,survival rate,selection
中文摘要: 二化螟Chilo suppressalis Walker 是我国主要水稻害虫之一,近年来发生量呈上升趋势。本文研究表明二化螟蚁螟在不同类型水稻品种上3 d 的存活率不同。在两优培九上,3 d 的存活率最高,为60. 8% 。其次为南京11,其存活率为45. 8% ;在南粳44、武运粳7 号、常优3 号、武育粳3 号和香糯8333 上3 d 的存活率与南京11 差异不显著,为40. 0% ~ 45. 0% 。在Ⅱ优084 上蚁螟3 d 的存活率最低,只有25. 8% 。蚁螟对不同类型水稻品种的选择性也有差异。在8 个水稻品种中,蚁螟对杂交籼稻两优培九的选择性最高,圆盘法测定其选择率为21. 0% ;Y
型嗅觉仪法测定结果与圆盘法一致,在所有组合中蚁螟对两优培九的选择率均大于50. 0% ,明显高于常规籼稻和
粳稻。蚁螟对南粳44(16. 5% )和南京11(15. 5% )的选择性仅次于两优培九,其后为常优3 号(13. 5% )。对香糯
8333 的选择性最低,圆盘法测定其选择率仅有5. 6% 。进一步利用SPSS 软件回归分析蚁螟在不同水稻品种上3 d
英文摘要: The stem borer,Chilo suppressalis Walker is a major rice pest in China and its numbersavebeentrending upward. We found that the survival rate of newly-hatched C. suppressalis larvae was highest onLiangyoupeijiu (60. 8% ),intermediate on Nanjing 11 (45. 8% ),and lowest on Ⅱyou 084 (25. 8% ) . There was no significant difference in thesurvival rate of larvae feeding on Nanjing 44,Wuyunjing 7Changyou 3,Wuyujing3 and Xiangnuo 8333,althoughsurvival rates were all more than 40. 0% on the first fouvarieties and only 35. 8% in Xiangnuo 8333. Newly-hatchedlarvae displayed clear preferences for the eight varieties of rice. Liangyoupeijiu ( hybrid indica rice ) was the mostpreferred with 21. 0% preference determined by the disk method and > 50. 0% in Y-olfactometer experiments. The leastpreferred was Xiangnuo 8333 (5.6% ) . Preferences for Nanjing44,Nanjing11 and Changyou 3 were 16. 5% ,15. 5% and13. 5%espectively. Regression analysis indicated that larval survival rates were positivelyon.