The suitability of Chilo suppressalis reared on artificial diet,seedings of transgenic Bt rice and nontransgenic rice
徐艳博 王孟伦 韩兰芝 陈法军
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作者单位:1. 南京农业大学植物保护学院昆虫系昆虫信息生态研究室南京210095; 2. 南京农业大学
中文关键词:二化螟,人工饲料,转Bt 水稻,常规水稻,生活史参数
英文关键词:Chilo suppressalis,artificial feed,transgenic bt rice,nontrsansgenic rice,life-history indexes
中文摘要: 以人工饲料、转Bt 水稻“克螟稻”( cry1Ab 纯和基因型)及其对照亲本“秀水11”稻苗为供试寄主植物开展二化螟Chilo suppressalis (Walker)1 ~ 5 龄幼虫的室内饲养试验,以明确不同龄期二化螟种群的生活史参数。试验结果表明:二化螟在低龄时死亡率最高。克螟稻对二化螟各个龄期表现出高抗性,其各个龄期在克螟稻上均不能化蛹,随着龄期的增加二化螟的耐受性增强。以秀水11 和人工饲料饲养二化螟对其蛹期、成虫期、单雌产卵量、羽化率的影响无显著性差异,以人工饲料饲养的二化螟蛹重显著高于以秀水11 饲养的二化螟的蛹重,蛹重与人工饲料饲养时间呈正相关。与秀水11 幼苗相比,人工饲料饲养下有利于二化螟雌虫的分化。
英文摘要: The effect of rearing of the 1st to 5th instar larvae of the rice stem borer,Chilo suppressalis (Walker),onartificial diet,seedlings of transgenic Bt rice with pure cry1Ab ( cv. KMD),and the parentlinenontransgenic rice ( cv.XSD11),were assessed and compared. The results showed that the nymphs at lower instar stages had high mortality.Moreover,transgenic Bt rice was highly resistant to all instar larvae,especially the younger instar individuals. Moreover,there were no significant differences in the duration of the pupal or adult stages,fecundity and molting rates of larvaereared on XSD11 and the artificial feed. Furthermore,the pupal weight as larvae fed on the artificial diet was significantlyhigher than that as fed on nontransgenic rice,and larvae fed the artificial diet displayed a positive relationship betweenpupal weight and rearing time. Compared to nontransgenic rice,artificial feeds were more beneficial and advantageous forthe differentiation of C. suppressalis females.