Effects of Nilaparvata lugens infestation on gibberellinlevels of rice at the grain-filling stage
刘井兰 杨霞 吴进才
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英文关键词: rice,grain-filling stage,Nilaparvata lugens,gibberellin contents
中文摘要: 应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)研究灌浆期水稻协优963、TN1 受褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens ( Stal)若虫侵害
后根、叶片赤霉素( gibberellin,GA)含量的变化,以探讨褐飞虱若虫侵害后灌浆期水稻耐虫性与植物体内源激素
的关系。结果表明:虫口密度40 头/株和80 头/株120 头/株侵害灌浆期水稻协优963 后3 d 根GA 含量显著下
降,40 头/株和80 头/株侵害后协优963 后3 d 根冠(叶片)比显著下降;40 头/株侵害协优963 后6 d 根冠比显著
下降。40 头/株、80 头/株和120 头/株侵害灌浆期水稻TN1 后3 d 根GA 含量显著下降;80 头/株和120 头/株侵
害TN1 后6 d 根GA 含量显著下降,120 头/株侵害TN1 后6 d 根冠比显著下降。表明灌浆期水稻协优963、TN1 受
褐飞虱若虫侵害后基本变化趋势为根GA 含量、GA 含量根冠比下降(3 d、6 d),叶片GA 含量变化规律不明显;耐、
英文摘要: To understand the relationship between tolerance and endogenous plant hormones in rice plants infested withNilaparvata lugens ( Stal ) at the grain-filling stage,change in gibberellin ( GA ) in the roots and leaves of tworepresentative rice varieties in response to N. lugens nymph infestation was studied using enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay (ELISA) . The results indicate that GA content in the roots of the Xieyou 963 variety,and the ratio of GA contentsin roots to that in leaves ( R /L ratio),decreased significantly after 3 d,and the R /L ratio also decreased significantlyafter 6 d. The GA content of the roots of the TN1variety also decreased significantly after 3 d and 6 d and the R /L ratiodecreased after 6 d. These results show that the GA content of roots and the R /L ratio of both tolerant and susceptible ricevarieties decreased at 3 d and 6 d after N. lugens infestation during the grain-filling stage. The GA content of leaves didnot,however,change significantly. So the two rice varieties had the same change law,no significant difference.