Bioassay of botanical attractants to Bactrocera dorsalis
王波 韩英 黄居昌 陈家骅
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英文关键词:Bactrocera dorsalis,plant extract,host fruit,secondary substance,bioassay
中文摘要: 植物源引诱物质可显著提高橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)蛋白饵剂的应用效果,本文测试了柑橘、番木瓜、芒果、番石榴、杨桃的叶片浸提物、果实以及已知植物次生物质对橘小实蝇的引诱效果。植物浸提物的生物测定结果表明,杨桃的二氯甲烷浸提物的引诱效果最佳,平均引诱率为20. 83% ,对于不同的萃取剂而言,二氯甲烷、乙醇浸提物效果明显优于石油醚,三者浸提的平均引诱率分别为15. 67% 、15. 17% 和10. 50% ;对于不同寄主植物而言,柑橘浸提物的效果最佳,3 种有机溶剂浸提物的平均引诱率为18. 33% ,其中石油醚、二氯甲烷和乙醇浸提物的引诱率分别为20. 00% 、15. 83% 和19. 17% ,其他植物浸提物的引诱效果为杨桃> 番木瓜> 芒果> 番石榴,3 种有机溶剂浸提物的平均引诱率分别为17. 22% 、11. 67% 、11. 11% 和10. 56% 。寄主果实的生物测定结果表明,柑橘的平均引诱率为65. 83% ,其中雌虫和雄虫的引诱率分别为61. 67% 和70. 00% ,明显高于杨桃、番石榴和番木瓜,三者的引诱率分别为31. 67% 、31. 67% 和21. 67% ,与柑橘引诱率差异显著( P < 0. 05)。已知植物次生物质的生物测定结果表明,甲基丁香酚的引诱效果最佳,平均引诱率为45. 00% ,其中雄虫和雌虫的引诱率分别为86. 67% 和3. 33% ;乙酸乙酯和番石榴香精的引诱效果次之,平均引诱率分别为32.50% 和28. 33% ,其中雌虫的引诱率均为36. 67% ;杨桃香精和柠檬酸的引诱效果较差,平均引诱率分别为25. 00% 和26. 67% 。
英文摘要: The attractiveness of protein bait to Bactrocera dorsalis ( Hendel) can be significantly increased by botanical attractants. In this paper,a bioassay of plant extracts and fruit from hosts,including citrus,guava,mango,papaya and star fruit,and other plant secondary substances was conducted. The results show that star fruit plant compounds extractedusing dichloromethane were the most attractive,with an average attractant rate of 20. 83% . Comparing different extractionagents,dichloromethane and ethanol were superior to petroleum ether; the average attractant rate of these three extractsbeing 15. 67% ,15. 17% and 10. 50% respectively. Of the different host plants,citrus had the best attractants,with anaverage attractant rate of 18. 33% and individual attractant rates for the three extraction agents of 20. 00% ,15. 83% and19. 17% respectively. The attractiveness ranking of the host plants was,in descending order,star fruit,papaya,mango, uava,with corresponding average attractant rates of 17. 22% ,11. 67% ,11. 11% and 10. 56% . With regard to hostplant fruits,citrus was significantly more attractive than star fruit,guava and papaya,with an average attractant rate of65. 83% ,and attractant rates for female and male adults of 61. 67% and 70. 00% respectively. In contrast,the averageattractant rates of star fruit,guava and papaya were 31. 67% ,31. 67% and 21. 67% respectively. With regard to plantsecondary substances the average attractant rate of methyl eugenol was 45. 00% ,with rates for males and females of86. 67% and 3. 33% respectively. Ethyl acetate and guava flavor were less attractive than methyl eugenol,with an averageattractant rate of 32. 50% and 28. 33% respectively and an attractant rate for females of 36. 67% . The attractiveness of
star fruit and citric acid flavors was low,averaging 25. 00% and 26. 67% respectively.