The production of substitute reproductives and eclosion-swarmingbehavior in segregated,captive colonies ofReticulitermes chinensis
严少辉 彭晓涛 孙叙
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英文关键词: Reticulitermes hinensis,separated rearing,substitute reproductives,eclosion-swarming
中文摘要: 对黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder 成熟群体进行室内自然条件分离饲养观察,结果表明:单品级分离群体和多品级分离群体均能产生补充型生殖蚁,产生补充型生殖蚁的概率与分离群体内的个体数量呈正相关关系,分离时间和气温对产生补充型生殖蚁的历期影响较大,1、4、6、9 月分离的群体产生补充型生殖蚁的历期分别为78. 50、46. 00、32. 17、26. 00 d,经分析差异显著(P < 0. 05)。分离群体能迅速产出有翅成虫羽化分飞,在分离后2 年就可发育进入羽化分飞的成熟年龄,分离时间对产生羽化分飞的历期有一定影响,6 月分离的多品级分离群体产生羽化分飞的历期平均为659. 3 d。单品级翅芽若蚁分离群体可产生羽化分飞,且存在反季节羽化现象。
英文摘要: Mature,segregated colonies of Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder were reared in a laboratory. Bothsingle-casteand multiple-caste colonies all could produce substitute reproductives; the rate of production waspositively correlated withcolony size. The date and temperature when the colony was segregated significantly influenced the duration of production ofsubstitute reproductives. The duration of producing substitute reproductives in January,April,June,September was78. 50 d,46. 00 d,32. 17 d and 26. 00 d,respectively. Analysis of variance indicates a significant (P < 0. 05) differencebetweenthesedurations. Segregated colonies rapidly underwent eclosion-swarming up to 2 years after the removal of thequeen. The date on which the colony was segregated had some influence on eclosion-swarming. The average durationduring which multiple-caste segregated colonies underwent eclosion-swarming in June was 659. 30 d. Single-caste wingbudnymph colonies underwent eclosion-swarming and also displayed reverse-season eclosion-swarming.