The effect of morphine hydrochloride on the larvae of Parasarcophagacrassipalpi and its forensic significance under constant temperature
张楠 李嘉 王贺 齐莉莉 王伯霞 等
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作者单位:1. 河北医科大学西山校区石家庄050017; 2. 河北医科大学石家庄050017)
英文关键词: forensic toxicologic entomology,Parasarcophaga crassipalpi,morphine hydrochloride,postmortem interval( PMI),larval mouth hook,larval pharyngeal sclerite,sclerotized area,average optical density
中文摘要: 研究石家庄地区优势蝇种肥须亚麻蝇Parasarcophaga crassipalpi(Macquart)在不同浓度的盐酸吗啡作用下的生长发育情况,探索毒物对肥须亚麻蝇幼虫口钩和咽骨的影响,积累石家庄地区尸源性蝇类的法医昆虫毒理(forensic toxicologic entomology)资料,从而为死后间隔时间( postmortem interval,PMI)的推断提供科学依据。
英文摘要: We studied the growth and development of Parasarcophaga crassipalpi ( Macquart) and the changes to the cephalopharyngeal skeleton of its larvae under the influence of morphine hydrochloride.Weaccumulated a large amount ofdata on forensic toxicological entomology from Shijiazhuang city to provide some reference for inferring the postmorteminterval ( PMI) after the death of the larvae of P. crassipalpi. We show that the sclerotized area and the average optical density of the larval mouth hook and thelarvalpharyngealsclerite keep increasing with time until the end of the thirdinstar. These characters proved to be accurate indices of PMI.