Morphology,ultrastructure and distribution of sensilla on the cephalicappendages of Myrmeleon ferrugineipennis observedwith a scanning electron microscope
王颖娟1,2** 李子忠1***
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作者单位:1. 贵州大学昆虫研究所贵州山地农业病虫害重点实验室贵阳550025;2. 兴义民族师范学院兴义562400
英文关键词:Myrmeleon ferrugineipennis,antenna,maxillary palp,labial palp,sensillum
中文摘要: 利用扫描电镜对锈翅蚁蛉Myrmeleon ferrugineipennis Bao & Wang 雌雄成虫头部触角及口器感器的形态进行观察,描述了感器的种类、数量和分布,以期解析其取食机制。结果表明:锈翅蚁蛉触角上存在10 种感器,即毛
形感器、锥形感器、刺形感器、腔形感器、钟状感器、鳃形感器、耳形感器、盘形感器、舌形感器和Bhm 氏鬃毛,其中毛形感器有3 种亚型,数量最多;耳形感器、腔形感器和钟状感器仅在雌成虫触角上发现,而舌形感器和鳃形感器仅在雄成虫触角上发现;在锈翅蚁蛉触角鞭节近末端扁平匙状处各有1 枚盘形感器,其形状和位置在雌雄虫上有差异。鳃形感器和盘形感器在已有的昆虫感器研究中未见报道,是新发现的昆虫触角感器。下颚须、下唇须上均
英文摘要:In order to further investigate the feeding mechanism of Myrmeleon ferrugineipennis Bao & Wang,the
morphology,ultrastructure and distribution of sensilla on the antenna and mouthparts of M.ferrugineipennis adults wereobserved with a scanning electron microscope. Ten types of antennal sensilla were observed; sensillum trichodea,sensillum basiconca,sensillum chaetica,sensillum cavity,sensillum ligulate,sensillum disk,sensillum branchia,sensillum auricillica,sensillum campaniformia and Bhm bristles. Of these,sensillum trichodea ( including threesubtypes) were the most common. Sensillum auricillica,sensillum cavity and sensillum campaniformia were only seen onfemales whereas sensillum ligulate and sensillum branchia were only seen on males. The sensillum disk was discovered atthe near end of the flagella of both males and females,but its shape and location differed between the sexes. This is thefirst observation of sensillum branchia and the sensillum disk in this species. The sensillum basiconca were discovered onthe maxillary and labial palps,with more on the labial than on the maxillary palp. Sensillum campaniformia was alsodiscovered on the maxillary palps.