Research on the light tropism of insects and the progress in application
边磊1 孙晓玲1 高宇1 罗宗秀1 金珊1,2 张正群1 陈宗懋1**
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作者单位:1. 中国农业科学院茶叶研究所杭州310008; 2. 西北农林科技大学园林学院杨凌712100)
英文关键词:insect,light tropism,trap lamp,color board,non-pollution pest control
英文摘要:The relationship between light tropism,light wavelength,light intensity and the physical structure of insects,is discussed. Progress in the application of information on light tropism and technological investigation of this phenomenonis summarized and analyzed and obstacles to further research identified. The benefit of the utilization of light tropism in thecontrol of tea pests in organic plantations is discussed.