DNA taxonomy of some Sarcophaga species(Diptera:Sarcophagidae)based on the mitochondrial COⅠ gene fragment
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英文关键词:arcophagidae, Sarcophaga, DNA taxonomy, COⅠ gene
中文摘要: 本研究在Pape(1996)提出的麻蝇属(双翅目:麻蝇科)分类系统基础上,选取麻蝇属54个物种(分属于30个亚属),基于线粒体COⅠ基因片段,结合雄性成蝇尾器形态特征,对所选取的30个亚属进行了DNA分类研究,初步探明了各亚属的分类地位与系统发育关系。麻蝇属30个亚属内的平均遗传距离为6.0%(1.8%~11.0%),各亚属间的平均遗传距离为10.1%(5.2%~16.1%),亚属内与亚属间遗传距离差异较为明显,说明COⅠ基因片段对麻蝇属各亚属级阶元能进行有效区分。
英文摘要:Based on the classification system of Pape(1996),fiftyfour Sarcophaga species belonging to 30 valid subgenera were selected as the ingroup in this study. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships these subgenera are discussed, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase Ⅰ(COⅠ) gene, combined with morphology of the male terminalia. The mean genetic distance within the same subgenus was 6.0%(1.8%11.0%),and the mean genetic distance between subgenera was 10.1%(5.2%16.1%). This analysis indicates that the COⅠgene fragment can be utilized to distinguish different Sarcophaga subgenera.