中文摘要:桉树枝瘿姬小蜂Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle喜好在桉属(Eucalyptus)植物的新生部位产卵。本研究以尾赤桉为寄主研究其产卵模
式发现,当天羽化且没有产卵经验的雌成虫在经过寄主识别(11687 s)和寄主评估(20827 s)后即进行产卵循环(平均587次),每
英文摘要:Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle prefer laying eggs on new branches of Eucalyptus plants. The oviposition behavior of this
insect on E. urophylla × E. camaldulensis was investigated. Before comming in the laying cycle L. invasa must go through a
process of host discrimination and exploration. It can lay two eggs in one cycle, and running or walking while drumming
followed changing in oviposition sites. Based on a sample of 15 female wasps, the average number of eggs per female was 13
60 and the average duration for laying one egg was 1731 s. In the L. invasa laying egg process, the frequency of prying
behavior was significantly higher, and standing behavior was obviously lower, than other behaviors. On E. urophylla × E.
camaldulensis, L. invasa favored laying eggs on petioles and midribs, and there were no significant differences in the
number of eggs laid on these sites, but on E. urophylla, E. grandis ×E. urophylla, E. exserta, and E. propinqua, it
significantly favored petioles to midribs and twigs.