Preliminary investigation of predation of the snail Bradybaena ravida by larvae of the firefly Pyrocoelia pectoralis
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作者单位:1.湖北省昆虫资源利用与害虫可持续治理重点实验室 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院湖北430070;2.山东华阳科技股份有限公司泰安271411; 3.全国农业技术推广服务中心北京100125
中文关键词:萤火虫, 胸窗萤, 捕食, 消化道提取液, 致死作用
英文关键词:firefly, Pyrocoelia pectoralis, predation, extract of digestive tract, lethal effect
本文对胸窗萤Pyrocoelia pectoralis Oliver 4龄幼虫捕食灰巴蜗牛Bradybaena ravida Benson的机制进行了初步探索。通过解剖幼虫消化道进行观察,发现幼虫的食道在与上颚基部骨化结构相连处分为2支,呈Y型结构,分别与2个上颚的中空管道相通;无毒腺结构存在。将幼虫头部及消化道各部分提取液注射到灰巴蜗牛体内后发现中肠提取液对蜗牛的致死效果显著高于头部和消化道其它部分提取液对蜗牛的致死效果(df=68,P<0.05),比较不同浓度中肠提取液对蜗牛致死效果的差异后发现,浓度为5 mg/mL的中肠提取液对蜗牛的致死时间(15.96±4.48)min与幼虫正常捕食的时间(14.47±2.32)min最为相近。
In order to explore the mechanism of predation of the snail Bradybaena ravida Benson by larvae of the firefly Pyrocoelia pectoralis Oliver, fourth instar larvae were dissected to observe the structure of the larval digestive tract. The larval gullet was separated into two branches near the ossified structure at the base of the mandibles and connected with both
tubular canals in the mandibles. No poison gland was found. B. ravida which were injected with larval midgut extract survived for a significantly shorter period than those injected with larval head extracts or extracts from other parts of the digestive tract (df=68, P<005). The survival time of snails injected with 5 mg/mL of larval midgut extract (1596±4
48) min was the most similar to the normal duration of predation of these snails by P. pectoralis larvae (1447±232) min.