Population dynamics and viruscarrying rate of small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus in northern paddyfields
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中文关键词:灰飞虱, 种群动态, 带毒率, 黑条矮缩病毒, 条纹叶枯病毒
英文关键词:Laodelphax striatellus, population dynamics, viruscarrying rate, rice black streaked dwarf virus, rice stripe virus
灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén)是农业生产上的重要害虫之一,尤其是其传毒造成的危害更为严重。本文通过对山东省水稻种植区(包括稻麦轮作区与非轮作区)和小麦种植区灰飞虱田间种群发生量的系统调查、灯诱观测及其带毒率检测等得到如下研究结果:(1)与小麦种植区及水稻种植区非轮作麦田相比,稻麦轮作区麦田灰飞虱虫口密度高,可见稻麦轮作有利于灰飞虱种群发生危害;(2)山东省小麦种植区麦田灰飞虱仅发现携带黑条矮缩病毒,水稻种植区稻麦轮作田灰飞虱种群还检测到携带水稻条纹叶枯病毒;(3)灯诱高峰期灰飞虱带毒率与当地灰飞虱带毒率存在差异,说明有外来种群的迁入;(4)在检测的1 268头灯诱灰飞虱中只有1头体内同时检测到携带黑条矮缩病毒和水稻条纹叶枯病毒,可见灰飞虱可同时携带两种病毒,但概率极低。
The small brown planthopper (SBPH) Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén) is a very important agricultural pest which can cause major harm to rice crops by acting as a vector of the rice stripe virus (RSV) and rice black streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV). In this study, the population dynamics of SBPH and its viruscarrying rate were systematically investigated and measured in ricewheat fields (rotation treatment vs. nonrotation treatment) in Shandong Province. The results indicate that (1) a higher SBPH density was found in the ricewheat rotation regions than in the nonrotation treatment, so it is presumed that SBPH favor the ricewheat rotation regions; (2) only RBSDV was detected in the SBPH from wheat fields, whereas both RBSDV and RSV were detected in SBPH from rice fields; (3) different viruscarrying rates were found between lighttrapped SBPH and the local SBPH population in Ningjin County; and, (4) from a total of 1 268 individuals tested, only one SBPH simultaneously carried both RBSDV and RSV, which indicates that SBPH can simultaneously carry both viruses but that such
individuals are relatively rare.