Progress in research on alternatives to methyl bromide in the quarantine treatment of imported logs
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作者单位:1 江苏出入境检验检疫局南京210001; 2 太仓出入境检验检疫局太仓215430;3 常熟出入境检验检疫局常熟215500;4 南京维安卫生技术服务有限公司太仓215434
中文关键词:检疫处理, 溴甲烷, 木材, 有害生物, 替代技术
英文关键词:quarantine treatment, methyl bromide, logs, pests, alternatives technology
英文摘要:Methyl bromide plays an important role as a fumigant in the control of pests in imported timber. However, because it is an
ozone depleting substance that can harmful to the environment, a deadline for phasing out its use has been agreed under the
International Montreal Protocol. Research on alternatives to it have therefore become both timely and important. This paper
outlines research on alternative wood quarantine treatments, the difficulties associated with these technologies and
- suggests some possible solutions to these and directions for futher research and thinking in this field.