DNA barcoding in rapid identification of aphids on Pinus armandii
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中文关键词:华山松, 蚜虫, DNA条形码, 模糊式, 快速鉴定
英文关键词:Pinus armandii, aphids, DNA barcoding, fuzzy type, rapid identification
中文摘要: DNA条形码技术是利用一个短的DNA标记对生物进行快速鉴定。模糊式快速鉴定则是在当前数据库信息不足的情况下利用DNA条形码技术,结合形态测量学在短时间内完成大量样品的鉴定。华山松(Pinus armandii Franch)是我国特有的重要用材树种之一,蚜虫是华山松的重要害虫,对其快速准确的鉴定有助于害虫的准确而有效的防治。本文以华山松上的蚜虫为研究对象,基于线粒体COⅠ序列构建了NJ树,采自不同地区华山松上的蚜虫样品分为13个支,各节点的支持率均达到90%以上,蚜虫种内个体间平均遗传距离在0~00536之间,种间遗传距离在0.0554~0.1444之间。分析结果表明,不同的蚜虫种类占据华山松上不同的部位,取食部位多样性的分化是蚜虫物种竞争并占据不同生态位的结果。模糊式快速鉴定不仅能够快速的区分华山松上的不同蚜虫物种,而且有助于发现隐存分类单元。在当前数据库信息量不足的情况下,模糊式快速鉴定是在短时间内解决大量样品物种分类的行之有效的方法。
- DNA barcoding is a technique for identifying species using a short sequence of DNA. DNA barcoding combined with morphometry can be used to rapidly identify a large number of specimens when there is insufficient information for full species identification. Aphids are one of the most common pests of Pinus armandii Franch, an important endemic Chinese timber species. Rapid and accurate identification of these pests can contribute to effective prevention and control. This paper evaluates the usefulness of DNA barcoding with respect to aphids on P. armandii, Neighbour\|Joining (NJ) tree was constructed based on mitochondrial COⅠ sequences. Aphids from different locations on P. armandii formed 13 distinct clusters. Bootstrap values of nodes exceeded 90%. Average intra\|species divergences were 0-0.0536 whereas inter\|specific divergences were 0.0554-0.1444. DNA barcoding analysis revealed that different aphid species live on different parts of P. armandii. Competition between aphid species has lead to differentiation in feeding sites. A combination of DNA barcoding and morphometry not only quickly distinguished different aphid species on P. armandii, but also detected morphologically cryptic species. Despite the lack of data in the species’ database, rapid identification is an effective method to resolve the identification of a large number of specimens in a short time.