Frontiers of research on the innate immune response in insects
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英文关键词:insect, innate immunity, melanization, antimicrobial peptide
中文摘要: 昆虫天然免疫反应分为体液免疫和细胞免疫两种,二者共同作用抵御细菌、真菌、病毒等外源病原物的侵染。体液免疫反应主要包括黑色素形成和抗菌肽产生两种机制,细胞免疫反应包括吞噬、集结和包囊等作用类型。在昆虫天然免疫反应中,昆虫模式识别蛋白负责识别并结合外源物表面特有的模式分子,丝氨酸蛋白酶、丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂、各种配体、受体等负责级联信号途径的激活和调控,抗菌肽、黑色素等效应分子则负责对入侵物的杀灭和清除。本文根据国外和作者自己的研究,综述了昆虫天然免疫反应的研究进展,并针对该领域最新的研究动态展望了昆虫肠道免疫、昆虫免疫致敏以及不完全变态昆虫免疫学等这些研究前沿。
英文摘要: Innate immunity in insects is divided into humoral immunity and cellular immunity, which function together to defend against infection by various pathogens including bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. Humoral immunity mainly includes melanin synthesis and antimicrobial peptide production. Cellular immunity relies on phagocytosis, nodulation, and encapsulation. In the insect innate immune response, pattern recognition proteins are responsible for the recognition of specific pathogenassociated molecular patterns in invading pathogens. Serine proteases, serine protease inhibitors, a variety of ligands and receptors are involved in the activation and regulation of signaling pathways. Effectors such as antimicrobial peptides and melanin kill and eliminate the pathogens. This paper describes recent progress in research on the insect innate immune response, and looks at the frontiers of research in this field, including gut immunology, immune priming, and hemimetabolous immunology.