Influence of temperature on the development of Calliptamus italicus
赵忠伟1, 2**,张英财1,曹广春1,张泽华1***
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中文关键词:意大利蝗, 越冬低温, 发育速率, 最适温度
英文关键词:Calliptamus italicus, critical temperature through the winter, growth rate, optimum temperature
中文摘要:为了全面掌握意大利蝗Calliptamus italicus (L.)生长发育规律,明确该虫的越冬和适宜生长区域,为该虫预测预报和合理防治提供科学依据。本文研究了恒温条件下意大利蝗蝗卵越冬低温、各虫态发育起点温度和有效积温。研究结果表明意大利蝗蝗卵越冬低温高于-20℃;发育速率与温度呈线性正相关:卵、幼虫、雌成虫、雄成虫和雌成虫世代和雄成虫世代发育起点温度为862、1612、1707、1782、1502、1627℃,有效积温为24984、39746、3779、32378、105382、93153日·度;发育速率随着温度的升高而加快,同时通过测量发现33℃意大利蝗雌虫和雄虫体重均最大。
英文摘要:Only by fully understanding the development of Calliptamus italicus (L.)can outbreaks of this pest be predicted and prevented. Winter developmental threshold temperature (DTT) and effective accumulated temperature (EAT) were determined at constant temperatures. The results show that-20℃ was the critical temperature with regard to hatching. The DTTs of the C. italicus eggs, larvae, adult females, adult males and an entire generation of females and males were 862, 1612, 1707, 1782, 1502 and 1627℃ respectively and the respective EATs of these lifestages were 24984, 39746, 3779, 32378, 1 05382 degreeday and 93153 degreeday. Growth rates increased with temperature. Adult female and male body weights were heaviest at 33℃.