Predation of Euseius finlandicus on Tetranychus truncatus
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英文关键词:Euseius finlandicus, Tetranychus truncatus, predatory function
本文研究了芬兰真绥螨Euseius finlandicus Oudemans对截形叶螨Tetranychus truncatus Ehara的捕食作用。结果表明,芬兰真绥螨对截形叶螨雌成螨非嗜食,对卵和若螨嗜食。在RH 80%±5%,温度分别为16、20、24、28和32℃的试验条件下,芬兰真绥螨对截形叶螨各螨态的捕食功能反应均属于HollingⅡ型。在16~28℃温度范围内,芬兰真绥螨对截形叶螨各螨态的攻击系数、捕食能力、最大日捕食量均随温度升高而增加,处理时间则缩短,温度高于28℃时捕食量开始减小。截形叶螨密度固定时,芬兰真绥螨的平均捕食量随其自身密度的增加而逐渐降低。
英文摘要:Predation of Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans) on three stages (adult females, nymphs and eggs) of Tetranychus truncatus (Ehara) was examined at five constant temperatures (16, 20, 24, 28 and 32℃) under laboratory conditions with RH 80±5%. Euseius finlandicus was found to prefer eggs and nymphs to adult females of T. truncatus. The predator’s functional response to prey density at these temperatures could be modeled as Holling type Ⅱ. Through the temperature range of 16~28℃, the attack index, the a/Th value and the maximum predatory number all increased with increasing temperature whereas the average treatment time was reduced. The maximum predatory number decreased at temperatures above 28℃. With a fixed number of prey available, predation rate per predator decreased with increasing predator density through mutual competition and interference.