Occurrence regularity and control threshold of Aphis glycines in fresh soybean fields.
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作者单位:1.浙江省植物保护总站 杭州 310020; 2.海宁市植物保护站 浙江 海宁 314400
中文关键词:鲜食大豆, 大豆蚜, 增长规律, 防治指标
英文关键词:fresh soybean; Aphis glycines; occurrence regularity; control threshold
中文摘要:大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsmura种群增长随时间而变化,符合Logistic增长模型,得出回归方程N=58.5330/(1+e4.8704-0.2274t)〖WTBZ〗,当t≈21时,可作为防治大豆蚜的关键时期,此时正值田间大豆苗期的营养生长盛期。大豆苗期随着蚜量上升,
英文摘要:The occurrence and control threshold of Aphis glycines Matsmura in fresh soybean field were studied through methods of field systematic investigation. The results showed that the population growth of A. glycines accorded with Logistic model,