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1.Progress in ecological safety of insect-resistant transgenic plants.
ZHANG Yong-Jun,WU Kong-Ming,PENG Yu-Fa,GUO Yu-Yuan
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2.Expression of Bt toxic protein in transgenic cotton and its ecological effects.
ZHANG Shao-Yan,XIE Bao-Yu
3.Watch out for the outbreaks of desert locusts.
CHEN Yong-Lin
4.Occurrence characteristics of Eriosoma lanigerum and its control methods.
ZANG Qiang,LUO Wan-Chun
5.Comparison of the efficiency of water tray traps baited with sex pheromone and frequency trembler grid lamps for monitoring cotton bollworm adult population dynamics.
SHENG Cheng-Fa1, HE Yan2,XUAN Wei-Jian1, WANG Hong-Tuo1
6.Distribution and control of grass hoppers in Jiaxiang County, Shandong Province.
JIA Cun-Li,YAO Jing-Yong,SHEN Mu-Zhen,LI Shu-Hua,GAO Xian-Tao
7.Development and reproduction of hawthorn spider mites on apple cultivars.
LI Ding-Xu
8.Analysis of the spatial structure of an insect community in the early development of apples.
ZHANG Yi-Nan1,ZHAO Hui-Yan1,LI xin1,LONG Jian-Ping1,LEI Jin-Fan2
9.Life tables of the banana pseudostem weevil,Odoiporus longicollis population in laboratory.
LU Yong-Yue,LIANG Guang-Wen,ZENG Ling,LIANG Jian-Hao
10.Bionomics of Sastracella cinnamomea and its control.
BAO Qi-Min,BAO An-Sheng,LIN Bin,SU Shi-Jiang,XU Xiao-Tian,ZHOU You-Qing
11.A new insect pest of Anarsia squamerecta on pagodatree Sophora japonica.
YAN Jia-He1,WANG Fu-Rong1,LI Ji-Pei 2
12.Occurrence regularity and control strategy of Diaphania pyloalis.
BAI Xi-Chuan1,YANG Hai-Jiang2,HONG Ying-Li3
13.Effect of the host kairomone on the host selection Trichogramma japonicum.
ZOU Wei-Hui1,LEI Chao-Liang1,ZHANG Fan2
14.Effects of eggplant varieties on the growth and development of Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata and its parasitoid.
WANG Guo-Hong
15.Evaluation of a new carbamate insecticide Shachongwei on three lepidopteran pests.
XIE Bao-Yu1,LI Dian-Mo1,QIN Xiao-Wei1,REN Lian-Kui1,ZENG Yi-Liang1,GAO Ri-Ting2,HAN Gui-Zhong3,LIU Shun-Tong3
18.Techniques used in insect neurobiology research:introcellular recording.
WANG Chen-Zhu
19.The diversity of insect mimicry.
CAI Wan-Zhi1,LI Shu-Juan1,MI Qing-Shan2
20.Internet resources for entomological research.
YE Wei-Ping,HUANG Yuan