Community phylogeny structure and its application in entomology
刘重凌 于晓东 周红章
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作者单位:中国科学院动物研究所 动物进化与系统学重点实验室
英文关键词:Phylogenetic diversity, Environmental filtering, Competition, Null model, Scales
英文摘要:As better phylogenetic hypotheses are available for many groups of organisms, more and more studies in community ecology have been involved in the analysis of the phylogenetic structure of communities in recent years, which can help reveal contemporary ecological interactions, as well as link community ecology with biogeography and the study of character evolution. However, this analysis has not been widely used in entomology. In this paper, we mainly discuss (i) the terminology and principles, (ii) the calculation of community phylogenetic values and (iii) the application in entomology.