Sampling techniques for insects in the field
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作者单位:南京农业大学昆虫学系,农作物生物灾害综合治理教育部重点实验室 南京 210095
英文关键词: insect population, sampling method, sample size, collecting sample method
- The precision of estimating population size and forecasting the occurrence of insects is strongly determined by sampling techniques. A scientific and efficacious sampling program must consider three aspects: sampling design, sample size, and sampling method. There are many sampling designs, such as random sampling, stratified random sampling, multistage sampling, adaptive sampling, and systematic sampling, and the factors that determine which is suitable are population distribution pattern and crop species. The sample size is determined by the desired error and standard deviation or coefficient of variance. Sampling methods such as direct observation, portable suction devices, sweep nets, beating trays, and trapping methods are all used frequently. A suitable sampling method can be selected according to the criteria of precision, simplicity, and ease of application. In summary, the development of a sampling technique for insects in the field must consider not only precision, but also saving time and money.