Plant-mediated support system for natural enemies of insect pests
陈学新; 刘银泉; 任顺祥; 张 帆; 张文庆; 戈 峰
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作者单位:浙江大学昆虫科学研究所, 水稻生物学国家重点实验室,农业部农业昆虫学重点实验室,杭州 310058;华南农业大学昆虫学系,广州 510640; 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所,北京 100097;中山大学有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室,州 510275;中国科学院动物研究所 农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室,北京 100101
英文关键词: conservation biological control, plant-mediated support system, bio-control plant, honey plant, banker plant, habitat plant, trap plant, indicator plant, guardian plant
英文摘要:Conservation biological control uses various means to protect and enhance populations of the natural enemies of pest insects with the goal of achieving long-term sustainable control of insect pests in agro-ecosystems. The importance of plants in enhancing the efficiency of natural enemies has been well recognized. These plants are normally classified as honey plants, banker plants, habitat plants, trap plants, indicator plants, guardian plants, etc. Here we review recent advances in research on these plants and their application in pest management, and then coin the term “plant-mediated support system for natural enemies”. This system is constituted by these plants based on a scenario of their proper selection, planting, and rational temporal and spatial distribution in a given agro-ecosystem to maintain and enhance populations of the natural enemies of pest insects. In addition, some suggestions on definitions and terminology regarding the various types of plants used in plant-mediated support systems are provided.