Advances in research on the trehalose metabolism in insects
朱江燕** 黄健华 时 敏 陈学新***
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作者单位:浙江大学昆虫科学研究所,农业部农业昆虫学重点实验室,杭州 310058
英文关键词:trehalose, trehalase, trehalose phosphate synthase, trehalose metabolism in insects
海藻糖广泛存在于细菌、真菌、动物和植物中。它不仅作为能量储备物质,在外界环境胁迫或内部代谢紊乱时,也可作为保护因子,保护其生命体度过逆境。昆虫海藻糖合成酶与海藻糖酶分别是海藻糖合成与分解的关键酶,合成的海藻糖在海藻糖转运蛋白的帮助下由胞内进入胞外。胰岛素与脂动激素直接参与昆虫糖代谢,保幼激素与蜕皮激素通过和胰岛素与脂动激素通路偶联, 间接参与调控昆虫海藻糖代谢。海藻糖代谢途径和昆虫生长发育密切相关,昆虫海藻糖代谢信号通路为开发害虫控制的新靶标提供理论依据。
Trehalose is widely distributed in bacteria, fungi, animals and plants. Other than maintaining energy resources, trehalose also can provide some protection against adverse environmental conditions or metabolic dysfunction. Trehalose 6-phosphate synthase and trehalase are two important enzymes in trehalose bio-synthesis and lysis. Trehalose is transported from cells with the help of the trehalose transporter. Insulin and adipokinetic hormone regulate the carbohydrate metabolism directly, whereas juvenile hormone and ecdysone do so indirectly by coupling with insulin and adipokinetic hormone. Because the trehalose metabolism plays such a key role in insect development, its related signaling pathways could be new targets for pest control in the future.