The autumn migration of the third generation armyworm Mythimna separata (Walker): Radar observations and trajectory analysis
孙 嵬1** 程志加2 高月波1*** 苏前富1 周佳春1 王金生3 张娇娇3
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作者单位:1. 吉林省农业科学院植物保护研究所,农业部东北作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,公主岭 136100; 2. 吉林农业大学农学院,长春 130118;3. 哈尔滨师范大学生命科学与技术学院,哈尔滨 150080
英文关键词: scanning entomological radar, third-generation armyworm, trajectory analysis
中文摘要:【目的】 明确2015年吉林省3代粘虫Mythimna separata (Walker) 成虫的迁飞动态,揭示3代粘虫成虫自东北向南迁出的动向及成功迁出的概率,为粘虫的预测预报及综合治理提供科学依据。【方法】 基于扫描昆虫雷达观测,采用田间饲育、诱蛾器监测、轨迹模拟及天气背景学分析等研究方法,分析3代粘虫成虫迁飞动态及迁出概率。【结果】 (1)3代粘虫蛾可交尾及产卵,卵亦可孵化,但幼虫发育迟缓。(2)3代粘虫蛾数量相比于一代增长了10.3倍,成虫卵巢发育级别集中于1级,大多未交尾,处于从本地迁出的状态。(3)迁出期的风向以南风、西南风、东南风为主,不利于粘虫回迁至南方的越冬区域。(4)共有3 d的调查日观测到了粘虫聚集成层的迁飞现象。轨迹分析显示,极大比率的粘虫种群最终去向集中于观测点公主岭以北的区域或者朝鲜境内。【结论】 3代粘虫受制于秋季风场无法成功回迁,成为了Pied-piper效应的牺牲者,无法为2016年春季粘虫的发生提供有效虫源。
[Objectives] Radar observations were carried out in Gongzhuling, Jilin Province of China in 2015 to confirm the migration dynamics of the third-generation of the armyworm, Mythimna separata, and to analyze the probability of their southward migration. The results provide a scientific basis for forecasting and management of this pest. [Methods] The migration of third-generation armyworms was investigated based on scanning entomological radar observations, field rearing, field survey trap monitoring and trajectory analysis. [Results] 1. 3rd generation armyworm moths can reproduce successfully but larval development is delayed. 2. 10.3 times more third generation adults were trapped than first generation adults, and most 3rd generation moths had undeveloped and unmated ovaries suggesting that they were emigrating from local habitats. 3. Wind direction was basically south, southeast and southwest rather than northeast, which prevented 3rd generation moths from returning to overwintering regions in southern China. 4. Aerial stratification was observed over three days. Trajectory analysis indicated that most landing areas were restricted to either north of Gongzhuling or North Korea. [Conclusion] Prevailing southerlies in 2015 prevented local third-generation moths from migrating to overwintering regions. The Pied piper effect made these emigrants incapable of forming a source population of armyworms the following summer.