2016年华北南部二代二点委夜蛾成虫 迁飞的雷达观测
Using vertical looking radar (VLR) to observe the migratory behavior of the second generation Athetis lepigone moths in the southern part of north China in 2016
黄建荣1** 黄 博1 朱 健2 封洪强1***
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作者单位:1. 河南省农作物病虫害防治重点实验室,农业部华北南部作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,河南省作物保护 国际联合实验室,河南省农业科学院植物保护研究所,郑州 450002; 2. 南京农业大学植物保护学院,华东作物有害生物综合治理农业部重点实验室,南京 210095
中文关键词: 二点委夜蛾成虫,迁飞行为,雷达观测
英文关键词: Athetis lepigone moths, migratory behavior, radar observation
【目的】 为了明确玉米新发害虫二点委夜蛾Athetis lepigone的迁飞行为,为该虫的区域性监测预警提供依据。【方法】 2016年7月在华北南部的新乡市原阳县,利用旋转极化垂直昆虫雷达和高空诱虫灯观测了2代二点委夜蛾成虫在空中的迁飞行为,利用轨迹分析软件HYSPLIT分析该虫的迁飞范围。【结果】 2代二点委夜蛾成虫在日落后(19:00左右)开始起飞,2 h后达到最大值,二点委夜蛾成虫最大高峰时间主要出现在前半夜,次日凌晨虫量逐渐降低,至7:00左右迁飞活动停止,整个迁移活动持续12 h。二点委夜蛾成虫在空中成层分布,其最髙飞行高度低于1 200 m,但虫量最大处位于600-700 m。第2代二点委夜蛾成虫每晚的平均最长飞行时间为7.972 h,平均位移速度为9.12 m/s,每晚平均最远距离大约为261.74 km。结合风场和轨迹模拟分析表明,7月份二点委夜蛾以北迁为主,河南中部的漯河及许昌等地区是雷达观测点二点委夜蛾峰值时的直接虫源区,其余来自邻近区域。【结论】 本研究明确了华北南部地区2016年2代二点委夜蛾在空中的迁飞参数及迁飞范围。
[Objectives] Monitoring the migratory behavior of Athetis lepigone is important for regional population monitoring and forecasting outbreaks of this pest. [Methods] The migratory behavior of second generation A. lepigone moths was observed with vertical looking radar (VLR) and a vertical pointing searchlight trap reaching to high altitude in July 2016 at Yuanyang, Xinxiang, in the southern part of north China. The migration range of populations were analyzed using trajectory analysis software HYSPLIT. [Results] Second generation A. lepigone moths were observed to take off at dusk (19:00) with peak density reached after two hours. Density decreased gradually as moths emigrated, but migration was sustained for about 12 h until 7:00 the following day. Moths generally ascended to a maximum altitude of 1 200 m above ground level (AGL) with the highest density recorded at 600-700 m AGL. In most cases, the mean longest flight time was 7.972 h per night, and the mean flying speed was 9.12 m/s. The main direction of travel was southeast and the mean maximum flight distance was 261.74 km per night. Combining wind field and migration pathways with radar data, the results indicate that the second generation of Athetis lepigone moths mainly migrate northward, and that most immigrants came from Luohe or Xuchang city, in the center of Henan province, with others coming from the vicinity of the radar observation site. [Conclusion] This study elucidated the flight parameters and flight range of the second generation of Athetis lepigone moths in the southern part of north China in 2016.