基于便携式谐波雷达技术跟踪 昆虫运动行为的应用方法
Application of portable harmonic radar technology to tracking insect movements
杜田华** 桂连友*** 黄秀琴 罗 杰 何章章 华登科 王福莲
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作者单位:长江大学农学院昆虫研究所,荆州 434025
英文关键词: harmonic radar,electronic tag,insect tracking,movement trajectory
Harmonic radar is becoming a useful technology for tracking the movements of insects. This paper introduces the application of harmonic radar technology, including assessing the feasibility of attaching electronic tags to insects, the fabrication of electronic tags, estimating rates of detecting and finding adult insects, and estimating the movement trajectory of adult insects in the field. The purpose of this paper is to encourage more entomologists to use this technology in integrated pest management research in agriculture and forestry in China.