Comparison of biological characteristics of different geographical populations of Clanis bilineata
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作者单位:连云港市农业科学院,徐淮地区连云港农业科学研究所,连云港 222000
英文关键词:Clanis bilineata; population degradation; geographic population; hybrid; improved
中文摘要:【目的】 豆天蛾Clanis bilineata Walker是连云港市及周边地区重要的食用昆虫,江苏种群因长年人工养殖造成种群退化。对不同地理种群的豆天蛾进行杂交,旨在探索江苏种群改良的可行性。【方法】 比较豆天蛾江苏种群与野外采集的河南种群和湖北种群间不同虫态的表观性状差异以及化蛹率、羽化率、蛹期和雌成虫寿命;将河南种群和湖北种群分别与江苏种群进行交配,比较交配后雌虫的产卵量、子代卵孵化率、幼虫各龄期存活率。【结果】 在豆天蛾3个地理种群中,湖北种群豆天蛾幼虫、蛹和雌成虫的体长均最大,分别为7.59、5.19和5.16 cm,蛹和雄成虫重量均最大,分别为5.23 g和2.23 g;而河南种群豆天蛾雄成虫体长最大,为4.44 cm,幼虫和雌成虫的重量最大,分别为8.25 g和3.52 g;湖北种群、河南种群和江苏种群的化蛹率分别为98.89%、94.44%和85.56%;羽化率分别为94.44%、97.78%和97.78%。豆天蛾3个地理种群自交和杂交后,江苏♀×江苏♂组合的生命参数均为最低值,河南♀×江苏♂组合单雌产卵量和卵孵化率最高,分别为139.67粒和90.67%。豆天蛾3个地理种群自交和杂交后的子代幼虫均表现出随着龄期增加存活率降低的现象。其中,河南♀×江苏♂组合的5龄幼虫存活率(74.67%)显著高于湖北♀×江苏♂组合(70.67%),且两者均显著高于其它5个处理(P<0.05)。【结论】 将河南♀与江苏♂杂交可显著提高单雌产卵量、卵孵化率和幼虫各龄期存活率,可有效解决江苏种群的种群退化问题,对豆天蛾养殖产业发展具有重要意义。
英文摘要:[Objectives] To investigate the feasibility of improving the quality of captive-bred Clanis
bilineata, an important edible insect in Lianyungang city and surrounding
areas, by crossing individuals from this population with those from wild
populations from different geographical areas. [Methods] The size, pupation rate, emergence rate,
pupal period and adult female lifespan between the captive-bred Jiangsu and
wild Henan and Hubei populations collected in the field were compared. Adults
from the Henan and Hubei populations were then crossed with those from the
captive Jiangsu population by combining individuals from these populations at a
1: 1 sex ratio and allowing them to mate. After mating, the number of eggs laid
by females, the hatching rate of eggs and the survival rate of larvae in each
instar from each potential cross were compared. [Results] The Henan and Hubei populations were
superior to the Jiangsu population in all measured parameters. The Hubei
population had the longest larval, pupal and adult female body lengths (7.59,
5.19 and 5.16 cm, respectively), and the Henan population had the longest adult
male body length (4.44 cm). The Henan population also had the heaviest larvae
and adult females (8.25 g and 3.52 g, respectively) and the Hubei population
had the heaviest pupae and adult males (5.23 g and 2.23 g, respectively). The
pupation rates of the Hubei, Henan and Jiangsu populations were 98.89%, 94.44%
and 85.56%, respectively, and their eclosion rates were 94.44%, 97.78% and
97.78%, respectively. The progeny of Jiangsu ♀× Jiangsu ♂ pairs were the lowest
among the 7 potential pairings. The progeny of Henan ♀× Jiangsu ♂ pairs had the
highest female fecundity and hatching rate (139.67 and 90.67%, respectively).
The survival rate of larvae decreased with instar irrespective of parentage.
The progeny of Henan ♀× Jiangsu ♂ pairs had the highest 5th instar larval
survival rate (74.67%), followed by the progeny of Hubei ♀× Jiangsu ♂ pairs
(70.67%). The 5th instar larval survival rate of the former was significantly
higher than that of the latter (P<0.05), and both were significantly
higher than those of the other 5 crosses (P<0.05). [Conclusion] Crossing Henan ♀ with Jiangsu ♂ can
significantly increase the number of eggs laid by females, the larval hatching
rate and the larval survival rate of each instar, thereby improving the quality
of the captive Jiangsu population.