Population dynamics of predatory mites and citrus red mites on three different citrus varieties
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作者单位:广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所,广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室,广州 510640
英文关键词:Phytoseiidae mites; Panonchus citri; citron-lemon; Ehime Kashi No. 28; Shatangju
中文摘要:【目的】 为明确不同柑橘品种柑橘园中捕食螨及柑橘全爪螨Panonchus citri (McGregor)的种群动态变化规律,阐明捕食螨的多样性及其对柑橘全爪螨的自然控制作用,为利用优势捕食螨防控柑橘全爪螨生物防治技术提供理论依据。【方法】 2019年在香橼柠檬园中进行调查,2020年,分别在红美人和沙糖橘园中进行调查。从每年的4月份至12月份开展定期定点的田间调查和采样,采取5点取样的方法,在果园中采取振落法统计捕食螨和柑橘全爪螨数量;采集捕食螨标本,室内进行玻片鉴定捕食螨种类。【结果】 3种不同柑橘品种的果园中,植绥螨的种类及其优势种类有显著的不同。香橼柠檬园中植绥螨有3个种,其中纽氏肩绥螨为优势种;红美人果园中植绥螨有5个种,其中尼氏真绥螨Euseius nicholsi (Ehara et Lee)为优势种;沙糖橘园中植绥螨仅有2个种,其中加州新小绥螨Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor)为优势种。3种不同柑橘品种的果园中捕食螨总数随时间的变化均呈现显著的消长规律,香橼柠檬园中捕食螨数量变化呈现双峰趋势,高峰时间分别出现在5月13日和10月24日;红美人和沙糖橘园中,捕食螨的数量变化均呈现3个高峰,最高峰时间均是在5月9日。香橼柠檬园中捕食螨的种群变化除优势捕食螨纽氏肩绥螨外,冲绳肩绥螨Scapulaseius okinawanus (Ehara)和钝毛钝绥螨Amblyseius obtuserellus Wainstein &
Begljarov的种群变化稳定。红美人果园中除优势种尼氏真绥螨外,作为次优势捕食螨的钝毛钝绥螨种群稳定。沙糖橘果园中仅有的两种捕食螨种群变化呈现反比关系。【结论】 柑橘园捕食螨的种群结构与柑橘品种可能具有一定的相关性,柑橘花粉对于稳定田间捕食螨种群可能具有一定作用。不同化学防治措施下,优势捕食螨种群的变化可能是由于不同种类捕食螨对化学农药的耐受性不同引起的。在自然条件下,柑橘园中的捕食螨对柑橘全爪螨的控制作用明显。
英文摘要:[Objectives] To investigate the population dynamics of
predatory mites and citrus red mites in orchards with different citrus
varieties, quantify the diversity of predatory mites, and assess the ability of
the latter to control citrus red mites under natural conditions. [Methods] Field surveys were conducted in citron-lemon
orchards in 2019, and in Ehime Kashi No. 28 and Shatangju orchards, in 2020.
The abundance of predatory mites and citrus red mites were measured using
five-point sampling and the shaking-off the plate method at fixed sites from
April to December each year. Samples of predatory mites were obtained using the
plant-flapping plate method, after which species were identified under a
microscope. [Results] There
were significant differences
in the species of dominant predatory mites found in the three orchard types.
Three species of phytoseiid mites were found in citron-lemon orchards of which
the dominant species was Scapulaseius newsami. Five species of
phytoseiid mites were found in Ehime Kashi No. 28 orchards of which the
dominant species was Euseius nicholsi. Two species of phytoseiid mite
were found in Shatangju orchards of which Neoseiulus californicus was
the dominant species. Predatory mite populations fluctuated significantly over
the duration of the study. The population of predatory mites in citron-lemon
orchards had two peaks, one on May 13th and another on October 24th, whereas
three distinct peaks were apparent in Ehime Kashi No. 28 and Shatangju
orchards, the biggest of which occurred on May 9th. In citron-lemon orchards,
the population dynamics of the predatory mites S. okinawanus and A. obtuserellus were relatively stable,
whereas numbers of S. newsami fluctuated. In Ehime Kashi No. 28
orchards, the population dynamics of A.
obtuserellus was more stable than that of E. nicholsi. In Shatangju
orchards, the population dynamics of N. californicus and A. obtuserellus had an inverse
relationship. [Conclusion] There appear to be certain correlations
between the population structure of predatory mites and citrus varieties.
Citrus pollen may affect the sustainability of predatory mite populations.
Because different predatory mite species may differ in their tolerance to
pesticides, different pesticides may alter predatory mite community composition
in different ways. Under natural conditions, predatory mites clearly controlled
citrus red mites in orchards.