Setting of the insect larva specimens by filling silica-gel
呼健洋 呼汉卫* 张余多子
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作者单位:沈阳农业大学植物保护学院 沈阳 110866
中文关键词:硅胶, 昆虫幼虫标本, 制作
英文关键词:silica-gel, specimens of insect larvae, setting
中文摘要: 介绍一种利用硅胶填充制作昆虫幼虫标本的方法。将活体昆虫幼虫经过去内脏、填充硅胶、整形和干燥制成昆虫幼虫标本。该方法制作的标本形态生动,保存性与保色性好,并且制作简便、成本低,有利于观赏和教学。
英文摘要: A new method of preparing larval specimens by filling them with silica-gel is described. This includes removing the viscera, filling the body cavity with silica-gel, restoring the shape and drying the specimen. This method has many merits compared with existing methods, for example, better shape, color, robustness and color fastness. The method is relatively easy and inexpensive and specimens prepared this way are ideal for both viewing and teaching purposes.