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Issue:ISSN 2095-1353
           CN 11-6020/Q
Director:Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sponsored by:Chinese Society of Entomological;institute of zoology, chinese academy of sciences;
Address:Chaoyang District No. 1 Beichen West Road, No. 5 hospital,Beijing City,100101, China
Your Position :Home->Past Journals Catalog->2023年60 No.3

Geometric morphometric analysis of the wing of eight Chinese species in the subgenus Neohomoneura (Diptera: Lauxaniidae: Homoneura)
Author of the article:QIN Shi-Ming, ZHANG Jian-She, FENG Ke-Li, LI Wen-Liang
Author's Workplace:College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China
Key Words:Neohomoneura; geometric morphology; wing veins; centroid size; genetic relationship

[Objectives]  To use geometric morphometry to analyze differences in the wing size and wing vein morphology of 8 Chinese species in the subgenus Neohomoneura, quantify sexual wing dimorphism of these species and investigate their genetic relationships, thereby providing a basis for further work on the evolution and classification of this taxa. [Methods]  The landmark method was used to label the right wing veins of 116 specimens of the 8 Neohomoneura species with 14 landmarks. Differences in the wing size, vein morphology and the genetic relationships of 8 species were analyzed using centroid size (CS), one-way ANOVA, Procrustes superimposition, principal component analysis (PCA), canonical variate analysis (CVA), thin-plate spline analysis (TPS), multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and cluster analysis. [Results] There were significant differences in wing size among the eight species (P<0.001). Only Homoneura (Neohomoneura) nebulosa Sasakawa, 2001 and Homoneura (Neohomoneura) grandipunctata Gao et Yang, 2006 displayed significant sexual dimorphism in wing size (P<0.05), indicating that wing size can only be used to distinguish between species, rather than sexes. The PCA results indicate that the eigenvalues of the first two principal components account for 78.651% of the total variation, which explains the main differences among samples. The CVA results indicate that the 8 species cannot be completely separated by CV1 and CV2. Mahalanobis’ distance indicates that there are significant differencein wing shape among the eight species (P<0.05), the largest being between H. (N.) nebulosa and H. (N.) grandipunctata. The TPS results indicate that C, A2, CuA1 and r-m are highly variable wing veins, indicating that they have been relatively unstable in evolution. The MANOVA results indicate significant sexual dimorphism in wing shape in both Homoneura (N.) indica Malloch, 1929 and H. (N.) grandipunctata (P<0.05). Cluster analysis indicates that Homoneura (N.) dongae Li et Yang, 2015 and Homoneura (N.) latisurstyla Li et Yang, 2015 are the most closely related species, whereas H. (N.) nebulosi is the most distantly related to the other 7 species.  [Conclusion]  Landmark methods can readily identify species of Neohomoneura, illustrating the benefits of using geometric morphology to resolving the phylogeny of this group.

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