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Issue:ISSN 2095-1353
           CN 11-6020/Q
Director:Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sponsored by:Chinese Society of Entomological;institute of zoology, chinese academy of sciences;
Address:Chaoyang District No. 1 Beichen West Road, No. 5 hospital,Beijing City,100101, China
Your Position :Home->Past Journals Catalog->2012年49 No.5

Effects of several insecticides on the arthropod mmunity in soybean fields
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Key Words:soybean,arthropod,community,insecticide,disturbance coefficient
Abstract:The species composition of a soybean arthropod community wasinvestigated The effects of malathionavermectinsβ-cypermethrin and dichlorvos on the community and its sub-communities were compared using communitycharacteristic parameters and a disturbance coefficient developed by ourselves The results indicate that all insecticides tested had significant effects on species richnessShannons indexhomogeneity of sub-communities of natural enemiesinsect pests and neutralinsects The sub-community of neutral insects underwent greater change than other sub­communities Of the insecticides testedavermectins had the leastand β-cypermethrin the mosteffect on arthropod communitiesthe latter causing the greatest mortality among natural enemies and the resurgence of soybean aphids Therewere significant differences in the recovery speed of arthropod communities treated with the four insecticides In contrast to avermectinsthe communities of plots treated with the other three insecticides either recovered more slowly or failed torecover during the period of the study
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