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Issue:ISSN 2095-1353
           CN 11-6020/Q
Director:Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sponsored by:Chinese Society of Entomological;institute of zoology, chinese academy of sciences;
Address:Chaoyang District No. 1 Beichen West Road, No. 5 hospital,Beijing City,100101, China
Your Position :Home->Past Journals Catalog->2000 Vol.3

Identification of the larvae of common Tenbrionids of the Platyscelini-tribe (Coleoptera) in North china.
Author of the article:YU You-Zhi,ZHANG Da-Zhi,REN Guo-Dong
Author's Workplace:(Ningxia Agricultural College,Yongning 750105,China).
Key Words:Platyscelini;larvalmorphology
Abstract:Comparing the larval morphological characters of ten species of the Pla tyscelini-tribe from China with five species from other countries,it is found that the labral clothing hair is first but not only,the form and setae of the labium and the ninth abdome
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